Saturday, March 25, 2023
7:00 am

Union Jack Road Rally 2023

union jack road rally

Hello MINIacs!!!

We have been invited to join the Grand Strand British Car Club at their Union Jack Road Rally 2023, here is some info and we hope to see you there.  This event looks like it’s going to be pretty EPIC motor on MINIacs!!!!

Their event description below!!  See you at the starting line!!

Gather your British wits and join the Grand Strand British Car Club for a fun filled road rally! This rally is for everyone! This rally has been specifically designed to be easy to complete. If you’ve never participated in a road rally before, it promises to deliver lots of fun and laughter! If you’re an experienced competition rally driver, you will find it challenging! 

Entrants will navigate along a carefully curated 66 mile route and determine the answers to clues about specific things they see on the route. This springtime rally is very scenic, with a route that leisurely traverses the beautiful back country roads of Horry County. The rally begins and ends in Conway, SC with 50 cars maximum. There are no timing requirements for any of the route segments. Turn by turn distance and directions will be provided!

After a detailed briefing at 9:00 am, the competition starts at 9:30 am sharp. We will launch one car every 2 minutes to spread everyone out, and allow a generous 3 hours per car to complete the rally. Each car must have a driver and a navigator. Additional passengers are permitted. We will score the results recorded on the route paperwork given to each car with 1st, 2nd, 3rd place awards given to the winners. Imagine the bragging rights!

There are many restaurants in easy walking distance of the finish line. Entrants who finish early can grab lunch and be back at 2:00 pm when the Rallymaster will shock and awe all the participating teams by disclosing all the correct answers and handing out the awards!

The rally is a modest $20 per car. A portion of the funds raised will be donated by the Grand Strand British Car Club to the Advanced Diagnostic InstituteADI is a local 501(c)3 non-profit that is training a new generation of mechanics who will help maintain our new, classic and antique British cars! 

To enter into the rally please follow this link and fill out the form and provide payment as directed on their page.